Skywin Bio-Tech

Golden Heart
The expectation of every farmer is to get a maximum yield and high income from the crops. Excessive use of chemical fertilizer alone not lead to high yields. Natural feed are also must. Organic feed does not pollute the environment. Abundant yield can be obtained only by growing healthy crops. Skywin has developed a natural foliar feed called “Golden Heart”. Golden Heart is produced from a new type of plant (RED ALGA) grown in sea. Golden Heart contains full of micronutriens ,amino acids macronutrients, carbohydrates enzymes, cytogene, it helps to healthy crops and high yields. Golden Heart foliar feed is naturally rich in potassium and nutrients to protect crops from insect attack. Golden Heart spray increased crop yield by 10-15 percent.
Golden Heart foliar Paddy, Ceral crops like Maize and small grain crops and garden crops like Coffee, Tea And Cardamon should be mixed at the rate of 500g per acre. For vegetable crop like Tomato, Chilli and other plant like Snake Gourd, Bitter Gourd, Watermelon, Cucumber and flower crop like Jasmine, Marigold etc. apply 300g per acre, during crop growth season and spray once in a month morning or evening during the flowering season. Golden Heart can be mixed with all insecticides and disease spray.

Vairam is a natural organic foiler feed in paste form. Foiler feed with natural hormone, enzyme, amino acids, vitamin to stimulate plant growth and flowering ability. Vairam spraying is equivalent to breastfeeding babies. Foiler sprayed crops have longer green days , produce more side branches and leads to more flower and photosynthesis to increase yields . Micro and Macronutrient are aminoacids, it helps a crop growth and all rich nutrients are presence. This foiler feeding will address the deficiency of nutrients (HIDDEN HUNGER) that appears in crops to climatic variation and increase yield capacity of crops.
250g per acre (2.5g per lit of water) should be dissolved and sprayed. Generally this foiler feed should be sprayed in early morning or late evening..

The expectation of every farmer is to get a maximum yield and high income from the crops. Excessive use of chemical fertilizer alone not lead to high yields. Natural feed are also must. Organic feed does not pollute the environment. Abundant yield can be obtained only by growing healthy crops. Skywin has developed a natural foliar feed called “BLOOD”. Blood is produced from a new type of plant (RED ALGA) grown in sea. Blood contains full of micronutriens ,amino acids macronutrients, carbohydrates enzymes, cytogene, it helps to healthy crops and high yields. Blood foliar feed is naturally rich in potassium and nutrients to protect crops from insect attack. Blood spray increased crop yield by 10-15 percent.
Blood foliar Paddy, Ceral crops like Maize and small grain crops and garden crops like Coffee, Tea And Cardamon should be mixed at the rate of 500g per acre. For vegetable crop like Tomato, Chilli and other plant like Snake Gourd, Bitter Gourd, Watermelon, Cucumber and flower crop like Jasmine, Marigold etc. apply 300g per acre, during crop growth season and spray once in a month morning or evening during the flowering season. Blood can be mixed with all insecticides and disease spray.

Vadamalar is a highly concentrated nutrient. It is made from a patiented marine plant. This nutrients required for Jasmine, Roses, Mullai, Marigold etc. Easily water soluble organic feed with natural growth promoters. Vadamalar spray can reduce a damages from insecticides and fungus. When this nutrients sprayed on flower and vegetable crop physiological changes occur and higher yield and quality of flowers and vegetables are produced.
All flower crops after sowing of 40days , 500g per acre, and sprayed in morning or evening. Second dose after sowing of 75days 500g per acre.
Tomato, Watermelon, Cucumber should be sprayed 300g per acre, regular 20days spraying of Vadamalar will results in continuous formation of flower buds and higher yield in flower and vegetables.
Note: Dissolve the right amount of Vadamalar in the specified amount of water and spray it.

YIELDWIN The occurrence of micronutrients deficiencies have been very common in almost all agricultural and horticultural crops because of the use of imbalance and inadequate quantities of micronutrients and adverse soil and climatic conditions. The micro nutrients deficiencies in many situations are very complex either one or two nutrients are very apparent and others may be masked or exist as hidden hunger. For solving such maladies a holistic liquid formulation is being recommended. With this view, two efficient foliar formulations have been developed and marketed in the brand name of yield win
Special Features of Yieldwin:
It is eco-friendly
Induces growth and profuse tillering
Provides a balanced proportion of all essential plant nutrients.
In problem soils (saline, sodic and saline-sodic soils) the nutrient disorders can be resolved by Yield Win Sunwin (foliar) spray.
Induces proper plant growth even under adverse climate conditions.
Activates the carbon fixing enzymes positively with higher dry matter production in crops.
Maintains higher levels of chlorophyll contents in the foliage for carrying out prolonged photo synthesis.
Helps in maintaining metabolically active micro nutrients in the plant system which indirectly protects the health of the crops.
Offers resistance to the incidences of insect pests and diseases.
Increases, the crop yield up to 30%.
Dosages and application.
Field crops, 1 Litre per acre two applications (one at growth and another one at flowering stage).
Vegetable crops, 1 Litre per acre three applications during vegetative growth stages, flower initiations growth stages.
Rice, 500ml /acre (twice) 30-45 after transplanting, 2nd spray after 60-75 days after transplanting.
Cotton, 500 ml /acre (twice) 45 & 75 Days after sowing. Pulses, 500ml/acre (twice) 20th & 40th days after sowing. Flowers, 50ml in 10 litre water, once in 30days intervals till the completion of flower picking.

Energy Plus is the extract of a fresh marine red alga. This sap contains certain natural plant growth promoting substances viz. macro and micro nutrients, growth regulators( IAA, Kinetin, Zeatine, Gibberellins, Cytokinins) soluble proteins, amino acids, enzymes and with very high concentration of potassium (14000-18500ppm). The sap is used as foliar supplement along with recommended NPK and micro nutrients. When the soil is having inherent problems like alkalinity, sodicity and water logging, the sap can be used as foliar spray. It could supply all nutrients and maintain the crop growth. The number of spray and concentration of sap varies with crop duration and nature of crops. An organic bio stimulant improves the crop vigor. Contains balanced proportion of bio absorbable macro and micronutrients, soluble proteins, essential amino acids, natural plant growth regulators and enzymes. Promotes photo synthetic activity positively by triggering all carbon fixing enzymes. Develops resistance against insect pests and diseases as it contains very high potassium content. It is eco friendly, does not affect the soil, plant and atmosphere. Induces the production of buds, flowers and fruits. Prevents the shedding of buds, flowers and immature fruits. Overall, it influences positively the crop yield and quality of all agricultural and horticultural crops. The yield increase realized up to 20% in all crops.
Dose and Application of Energy Plus (Foliar):
Field Crops 1 litre per acre, Two applications (one at growth and another one at flowering stages). Vegetable crops 1 litre per acre, Three applications (during vegetative growth stage, first flower initiation and flowering stages). Horticultural crops, 1 litre/acre One or Two additional sprays for uniform fruit development and maturity. Omamental crops 10 to 20 ml per litre , 15 days intervals. Rice 1 litre/acre, Flower inititation stage. Cotton 1 litre/acre (twice), 45th & 75th day after sowing. Sugarcane 1 litre/acre (twice), 60th & 75th day after planting/ Ratoon crop after stubble shaving and shoulder breaking. Pulses 1 litre/acre (twice) 20th & 40th day after sowing. Onion 1 litre/acre (twice), 30 & 45th days after sowing. Flowers/Jasmine, 100ml in 10 liters water, 15 days interval till the completion of flower picking.

An unique cream (foliar) formulation brought out from an exotic marine alga contains bio absorbable forms of plant nutrients. Special Features of Thangapasppam are fully water soluble & eco-friendly cream. Contains all plant nutrients in the needed proportion. Provides organic growth promoting substances. Activates all the physiological activities positively. Corrects the deficiency of nutrient’s in the adverse soil and climatic conditions. Prevents the shedding of buds, flowers and immature fruits. Strengthen resistance against insect pests and diseases. Enhances the yield and quality parameters of all crops. Thangapasppam foliar cream can be used for all field, horticultural, plantation, vegetables and floriculture crops (sprayed) at growth and flowering stages (Minimum two sprays).
Dose and Application:
1) Thangapasppam needs to be applied @ 200g/acre (2 grams dissolved in 1 litre of water) for short duration field crops like rice, millets, pulses, fruit crops likes pomegranate, citrus, vegetable crops like brinjal, bhendi, etc.
2) For sensitive crops like all cucurbits (water melon) and vegetable flower crops. It can be sprayed @ 100g/acre (1 gram dissolved in1 litre of water).

A novel phyto cream formulated from an exotic marine red alga (Rhodophyceae) having miraculous influence as (foliar application) on all crops by manifesting remarkable yield and quality improvement. Paarkadal contains a balanced proportion of all plant nutrients viz, macro (N,P, Ca, Mg) and micro nutrients (Zn, Fe, Mn,Cu) in the bio-absorbable forms. Besides, aboundant amounts of potassium, sulphur, natural phytohar- mones, enzymes, vitamins and a special polysaccharide are present in the cream. Because of these enriched biostimulants in the Blood cream, it could bring a phenomenal yield and quality enhancement in agricultural, horticurtural and plantation crops. Fully water soluble, pollutant free, nontoxic & ecofriendly. • Provides all plant nutrients, growth promoting phyto constituents.Activates all physiological functions in the crop plants positively.Promotes higher carbon assimilation resulting sustained photosynthesis and higher dry matter production. Corrects both ocular and hidden nutrients’ deficiencies in the adverse soil and climatic conditions.Induces profused tillering and increased flower buds production. Prevents shedding of buds, flowers and immature fruits. Offers resistance and elicit defensive responses to insect pests, fungal pathogens, and certain nematodes’ ingress in to the crop plants.Protects the crop plants from abiotic stresses (Drought, Cold, frost etc.) Enhances the yield and quality parameters of all crops.
Dose and Application of Paarkadal foliar
Paarkadal needs to be given as foliar application (Two sprays i.e at active growth stage and flowering) @ 500g/acre (50g/10 litres of water) either in the morning or evening for the crops like rice, maize and millets. For sensitive crops like tomato, chillies, melons, betelvine and pandal crops like bitter gourds, snake gourds, coccinia and flower crops like jasmine, tubrose etc. The foliar (spary) needs to done either in the morning or evening @ 300g/acre (30g/litre of water).

The occurrence of micronutrients’ deficiencies have been very common in almost all agricultural and horticultural crops because of the use of imbalanced and inadequate quantities of micronutrients and adverse soil and climatic conditions. The micro nutrients deficiencies in many situations are very complex either one or two nutrients are very apparent and others may be masked or exist as hidden hunger. For solving such maladies, a holistic liquid formulation is needed. With this view, two efficient foliar formulations have been developed and marketed in the brand name of Golden yield. Golden yield (foliar) contain a balanced proportion of micro nutrients, and other natural growth promoting substances like amino acids and fulvic acid in the bio absorbable forms. Golden yield foliar Induces growth and profuse tillering. Provides a balanced proportion of all essential plants nutrients, amino acids and fulvic acid. In problem soils (saline, sodic and saline sodic soils) the nutrients disorders could be resolved by Golden yield spray. It increase the crop yield upto 30%.
Field crops, Vegetable ,Horticulture crops one litre per acre, first spray at growth and second spray at flowring stages. Rice 500 ml/acre (Twice), 30-45 days after transplanting, 2nd spray after 60-75 days. Cotton and chillies 500 ml/acre(Twice), 45th &75th after sowing. Pulses 500 ml/acre(Twice), 20th and 40th day after sowing. Maize and onion 500ml/acre 30th day after sowing. Jasmine/Flowers once in 20 days intervals till the completion of flower picking.

Poomalai is a highly concentrated nutrient. It is made from a patiented marine plant. This nutrients required for Jasmine, Roses, Mullai, Marigold etc. Easily water soluble organic feed with natural growth promoters. Poomali spray can reduce a damages from insecticides and fungus. When this nutrients sprayed on flower and vegetable crop physiological changes occur and higher yield and quality of flowers and vegetables are produced.
All flower crops after sowing of 40days , 500g per acre, and sprayed in morning or evening. Second dose after sowing of 75days 500g per acre.
Tomato, Watermelon, Cucumber should be sprayed 300g per acre, regular 20days spraying of poomalai will results in continuous formation of flower buds and higher yield in flower and vegetables.
Note: Dissolve the right amount of Poomalai in the specified amount of water and spray it.

SUNWIN The occurrence of micronutrients deficiencies have been very common in almost all agricultural and horticultural crops because of the use of imbalance and inadequate quantities of micronutrients and adverse soil and climatic conditions. The micro nutrients deficiencies in many situations are very complex either one or two nutrients are very apparent and others may be masked or exist as hidden hunger. For solving such maladies a holistic liquid formulation is being recommended. With this view, two efficient foliar formulations have been developed and marketed in the brand name of Sunwin
Special Features of Sunwin:
It is eco-friendly
Induces growth and profuse tillering
Provides a balanced proportion of all essential plant nutrients.
In problem soils (saline, sodic and saline-sodic soils) the nutrient disorders can be resolved by Yield Win Sunwin (foliar) spray.
Induces proper plant growth even under adverse climate conditions.
Activates the carbon fixing enzymes positively with higher dry matter production in crops.
Maintains higher levels of chlorophyll contents in the foliage for carrying out prolonged photo synthesis.
Helps in maintaining metabolically active micro nutrients in the plant system which indirectly protects the health of the crops.
Offers resistance to the incidences of insect pests and diseases.
Increases, the crop yield up to 30%.
Dosages and application.
Field crops, 1 Litre per acre two applications (one at growth and another one at flowering stage).
Vegetable crops, 1 Litre per acre three applications during vegetative growth stages, flower initiations growth stages.
Rice, 500ml /acre (twice) 30-45 after transplanting, 2nd spray after 60-75 days after transplanting.
Cotton, 500 ml /acre (twice) 45 & 75 Days after sowing. Pulses, 500ml/acre (twice) 20th & 40th days after sowing. Flowers, 50ml in 10 litre water, once in 30days intervals till the completion of flower picking.

SUNWIN The occurrence of micronutrients deficiencies have been very common in almost all agricultural and horticultural crops because of the use of imbalance and inadequate quantities of micronutrients and adverse soil and climatic conditions. The micro nutrients deficiencies in many situations are very complex either one or two nutrients are very apparent and others may be masked or exist as hidden hunger. For solving such maladies a holistic liquid formulation is being recommended. With this view, two efficient foliar formulations have been developed and marketed in the brand name of Sunwin
Special Features of Sunwin:
It is eco-friendly
Induces growth and profuse tillering
Provides a balanced proportion of all essential plant nutrients.
In problem soils (saline, sodic and saline-sodic soils) the nutrient disorders can be resolved by Yield Win Sunwin (foliar) spray.
Induces proper plant growth even under adverse climate conditions.
Activates the carbon fixing enzymes positively with higher dry matter production in crops.
Maintains higher levels of chlorophyll contents in the foliage for carrying out prolonged photo synthesis.
Helps in maintaining metabolically active micro nutrients in the plant system which indirectly protects the health of the crops.
Offers resistance to the incidences of insect pests and diseases.
Increases, the crop yield up to 30%.
Dosages and application.
Field crops, 1 Litre per acre two applications (one at growth and another one at flowering stage).
Vegetable crops, 1 Litre per acre three applications during vegetative growth stages, flower initiations growth stages.
Rice, 500ml /acre (twice) 30-45 after transplanting, 2nd spray after 60-75 days after transplanting.
Cotton, 500 ml /acre (twice) 45 & 75 Days after sowing. Pulses, 500ml/acre (twice) 20th & 40th days after sowing. Flowers, 50ml in 10 litre water, once in 30days intervals till the completion of flower picking.

SUNWIN The occurrence of micronutrients deficiencies have been very common in almost all agricultural and horticultural crops because of the use of imbalance and inadequate quantities of micronutrients and adverse soil and climatic conditions. The micro nutrients deficiencies in many situations are very complex either one or two nutrients are very apparent and others may be masked or exist as hidden hunger. For solving such maladies a holistic liquid formulation is being recommended. With this view, two efficient foliar formulations have been developed and marketed in the brand name of Sunwin
Special Features of Sunwin:
It is eco-friendly
Induces growth and profuse tillering
Provides a balanced proportion of all essential plant nutrients.
In problem soils (saline, sodic and saline-sodic soils) the nutrient disorders can be resolved by Yield Win Sunwin (foliar) spray.
Induces proper plant growth even under adverse climate conditions.
Activates the carbon fixing enzymes positively with higher dry matter production in crops.
Maintains higher levels of chlorophyll contents in the foliage for carrying out prolonged photo synthesis.
Helps in maintaining metabolically active micro nutrients in the plant system which indirectly protects the health of the crops.
Offers resistance to the incidences of insect pests and diseases.
Increases, the crop yield up to 30%.
Dosages and application.
Field crops, 1 Litre per acre two applications (one at growth and another one at flowering stage).
Vegetable crops, 1 Litre per acre three applications during vegetative growth stages, flower initiations growth stages.
Rice, 500ml /acre (twice) 30-45 after transplanting, 2nd spray after 60-75 days after transplanting.
Cotton, 500 ml /acre (twice) 45 & 75 Days after sowing. Pulses, 500ml/acre (twice) 20th & 40th days after sowing. Flowers, 50ml in 10 litre water, once in 30days intervals till the completion of flower picking.

SUNWIN The occurrence of micronutrients deficiencies have been very common in almost all agricultural and horticultural crops because of the use of imbalance and inadequate quantities of micronutrients and adverse soil and climatic conditions. The micro nutrients deficiencies in many situations are very complex either one or two nutrients are very apparent and others may be masked or exist as hidden hunger. For solving such maladies a holistic liquid formulation is being recommended. With this view, two efficient foliar formulations have been developed and marketed in the brand name of Sunwin
Special Features of Sunwin:
It is eco-friendly
Induces growth and profuse tillering
Provides a balanced proportion of all essential plant nutrients.
In problem soils (saline, sodic and saline-sodic soils) the nutrient disorders can be resolved by Yield Win Sunwin (foliar) spray.
Induces proper plant growth even under adverse climate conditions.
Activates the carbon fixing enzymes positively with higher dry matter production in crops.
Maintains higher levels of chlorophyll contents in the foliage for carrying out prolonged photo synthesis.
Helps in maintaining metabolically active micro nutrients in the plant system which indirectly protects the health of the crops.
Offers resistance to the incidences of insect pests and diseases.
Increases, the crop yield up to 30%.
Dosages and application.
Field crops, 1 Litre per acre two applications (one at growth and another one at flowering stage).
Vegetable crops, 1 Litre per acre three applications during vegetative growth stages, flower initiations growth stages.
Rice, 500ml /acre (twice) 30-45 after transplanting, 2nd spray after 60-75 days after transplanting.
Cotton, 500 ml /acre (twice) 45 & 75 Days after sowing. Pulses, 500ml/acre (twice) 20th & 40th days after sowing. Flowers, 50ml in 10 litre water, once in 30days intervals till the completion of flower picking.

The occurrence of micronutrients’ deficiencies have been very common in almost all agricultural and horticultural crops because the use of imbalance and inadequate quantities of micronutrients and adverse soil and climatic conditions. The micro nutrients deficiencies in many situations are very complex either one or two nutrients are very apparent and others may be masked or exist as hidden hunger. For solving such maladies a holistic liquid formulation is being recommended. With this view two efficient foliar formulations have been developed and marketed in the brand name of Breeze.
Special Features of Breeze:
* It is eco-friendly
* Induces growth and profuse tillering
* Provides a balanced proportion of all essential plants nutrients.
* In problem soils (saline, sodic and saline sodic soils) the nutrients disorders can be resolved by Breeze (foliar) spray.
* Induces proper plant growth even under adverse climate conditions.
* Activates the carbon fixing enzymes positively with higher dry matter production in crops.
* Maintains higher levels of chlorophyll contents in the foliage for carrying out prolonged photo synthesis.
* Helps in maintaining metabolically active micro nutrients in the plant system which indirectly protects the health of the crops.
* Offers resistance to the incidences of insect pests and diseases.
* Increases, the crop yield up to 30%.
Dosages and application.
* Field crops, 1 Litre per acre two applications (one at growth and another one at flowering stage).
* Vegetable crops, 1 Litre per acre three applications during vegetative growth stages , flower initiations growth stages.
* Rice, 500ml /acre (twice) 30-45 after transplanting, 2nd spray after 60-75 days after transplanting.
* Cotton , 500 ml /acre (twice) 45 & 75 Days after sowing. Pulses, 500ml/acre (twice) 20th & 40th days after sowing.
* Flowers, 50ml in 10 litre water, once in 30days intervals till the completion of flower picking.

The present day agriculture is aimed for getting higher yields with quality agricultural produces with the use of all inputs. However, awareness about soil health and environment have also been considered as need of the hour Hitherto, with the introduction of high yielding varieties abundant and indiscriminate use of agro inputs like fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides, were practiced for achieving higher yields. This has affected the soil fertility and productivity with deterioration of soil health. Eventhough many organic materials are available in the market, very few are effective in maintaining drop productivity and soil health. This gel contains humus acids, growth promoting amino acids, bio enzymes, natural phytohormones of the alga, abundant amounts of potassium and sulphur. The innovative organic formulation is very effective in protecting soil health and crop yield in all situations. It is being recommended as soil application and it is compatible with all inorganic fertilizers, (except urea, ammonium sulfate, ammonium chloride etc. since it will be hydrolysed immediately. An eco-friendly product maintain safe environment. Maintains soil structure, beneficial microbes, aeration, drainage and water holding capacity of the soil Promotes root growth, proliferation, root volume increase and foraging ability of roots.
Dose and Application of DEEP GEL (FOR SOIL):
Deepgel, 5 to 10 kg per acre for short duration crops and 10 to 20 kg per acre for long duration crops needs to be applied as basal before sowing or within 15 to 20 days after germination / transplantation of the crops sail drenching can also be practiced by dissolving the gel @5glitre of water for plants in shade net and green houses.Method of Application is recommended quantity needs to be mixed with 40 kg compost / city waste /farm yard manure and applied uniformly in the field as basal application.

The present day agriculture is aimed for getting higher yields with quality agricultural produces with the use of all inputs. However, awareness about soil health and environment have also been considered as need of the hour Hitherto, with the introduction of high yielding varieties abundant and indiscriminate use of agro inputs like fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides, were practiced for achieving higher yields. This has affected the soil fertility and productivity with deterioration of soil health. Eventhough many organic materials are available in the market, very few are effective in maintaining drop productivity and soil health. This gel contains humus acids, growth promoting amino acids, bio enzymes, natural phytohormones of the alga, abundant amounts of potassium and sulphur. The innovative organic formulation is very effective in protecting soil health and crop yield in all situations. It is being recommended as soil application and it is compatible with all inorganic fertilizers, (except urea, ammonium sulfate, ammonium chloride etc. since it will be hydrolysed immediately. An eco-friendly product maintain safe environment. Maintains soil structure, beneficial microbes, aeration, drainage and water holding capacity of the soil Promotes root growth, proliferation, root volume increase and foraging ability of roots.
Dose and Application of BOGAR GEL (FOR SOIL):
Bogar Gel, 5 to 10 kg per acre for short duration crops and 10 to 20 kg per acre for long duration crops needs to be applied as basal before sowing or within 15 to 20 days after germination / transplantation of the crops sail drenching can also be practiced by dissolving the gel @5glitre of water for plants in shade net and green houses.Method of Application is recommended quantity needs to be mixed with 40 kg compost / city waste /farm yard manure and applied uniformly in the field as basal application.



YIELDWIN The occurrence of micronutrients deficiencies have been very common in almost all agricultural and horticultural crops because of the use of imbalance and inadequate quantities of micronutrients and adverse soil and climatic conditions. The micro nutrients deficiencies in many situations are very complex either one or two nutrients are very apparent and others may be masked or exist as hidden hunger. For solving such maladies a holistic liquid formulation is being recommended. With this view, two efficient foliar formulations have been developed and marketed in the brand name of yield win
Special Features of Yieldwin:
It is eco-friendly
Induces growth and profuse tillering
Provides a balanced proportion of all essential plant nutrients.
In problem soils (saline, sodic and saline-sodic soils) the nutrient disorders can be resolved by Yield Win Sunwin (foliar) spray.
Induces proper plant growth even under adverse climate conditions.
Activates the carbon fixing enzymes positively with higher dry matter production in crops.
Maintains higher levels of chlorophyll contents in the foliage for carrying out prolonged photo synthesis.
Helps in maintaining metabolically active micro nutrients in the plant system which indirectly protects the health of the crops.
Offers resistance to the incidences of insect pests and diseases.
Increases, the crop yield up to 30%.
Dosages and application.
Field crops, 1 Litre per acre two applications (one at growth and another one at flowering stage).
Vegetable crops, 1 Litre per acre three applications during vegetative growth stages, flower initiations growth stages.
Rice, 500ml /acre (twice) 30-45 after transplanting, 2nd spray after 60-75 days after transplanting.
Cotton, 500 ml /acre (twice) 45 & 75 Days after sowing. Pulses, 500ml/acre (twice) 20th & 40th days after sowing. Flowers, 50ml in 10 litre water, once in 30days intervals till the completion of flower picking.

Yieldwin Granules
Marine plant extract proteins, enzymes, nutrients and micronutrients that benefit the soil and plants to produce eco-friendly yields and quality products based on the most advanced bio-industrial research results from natural and plant sources developed. Humic acid is enriched with amino acids contained.
Suitable for all types of crops.
All nutrients are in can protect the Soil Elixir.
Preserves the physico-chemical properties of the soil.
Stimulates rapid growth of crops and causes more branching.
Increases root growth in rice. Also increases the number of durs and increases the yield.Increases flower buds for gram-type crops.
Convert non-availability nutrients into soil Helps to take the crop. Beneficial earthworms, bacteria and fungi can enhance the quality and shelf life of produce.
Environmentally safe.Imparts insect and disease resistance to crops.
Kuruna of 8 kg yield per acre should be applied within ten days of sowing mixed with manure or chemical fertilizer.

Basiya Granules
Marine plant extract proteins, enzymes, nutrients and micronutrients that benefit the soil and plants to produce eco-friendly yields and quality products based on the most advanced bio-industrial research results from natural and plant sources developed. Humic acid is enriched with amino acids contained.
* Suitable for all types of crops.
* All nutrients are in can protect the Soil Elixir.
* Preserves the physico-chemical properties of the soil.
* Stimulates rapid growth of crops and causes more branching.
* Increases root growth in rice. Also increases the number of durs and increases the yield.Increases flower buds for gram-type crops.
* Convert non-availability nutrients into soil Helps to take the crop. Beneficial earthworms, bacteria and fungi can enhance the quality and shelf life of produce.
* Environmentally safe.Imparts insect and disease resistance to crops.
Kuruna of 8 kg yield per acre should be applied within ten days of sowing mixed with manure or chemical fertilizer.

Basiya Granules
Marine plant extract proteins, enzymes, nutrients and micronutrients that benefit the soil and plants to produce eco-friendly yields and quality products based on the most advanced bio-industrial research results from natural and plant sources developed. Humic acid is enriched with amino acids contained.
* Suitable for all types of crops.
* All nutrients are in can protect the Soil Elixir.
* Preserves the physico-chemical properties of the soil.
* Stimulates rapid growth of crops and causes more branching.
* Increases root growth in rice. Also increases the number of durs and increases the yield.Increases flower buds for gram-type crops.
* Convert non-availability nutrients into soil Helps to take the crop. Beneficial earthworms, bacteria and fungi can enhance the quality and shelf life of produce.
* Environmentally safe.Imparts insect and disease resistance to crops.
Kuruna of 8 kg yield per acre should be applied within ten days of sowing mixed with manure or chemical fertilizer.

Marine plant extract proteins, enzymes, nutrients and micronutrients that benefit the soil and plants to produce eco-friendly yields and quality products based on the most advanced bio-industrial research results from natural and plant sources developed. Humic acid is enriched with amino acids contained.
* Suitable for all types of crops.
* All nutrients are in can protect the Soil Elixir.
* Preserves the physico-chemical properties of the soil.
* Stimulates rapid growth of crops and causes more branching.
* Increases root growth in rice. Also increases the number of durs and increases the yield.Increases flower buds for gram-type crops.
* Convert non-availability nutrients into soil Helps to take the crop. Beneficial earthworms, bacteria and fungi can enhance the quality and shelf life of produce.
* Environmentally safe.Imparts insect and disease resistance to crops.

An excellent organic formulation containing bio derived absorbable forms of plant nutrients, vitamins, enzymes growth promoting substances like natural phyto hormones humus acids, balanced proportion of micro nutrients with easily mineralized form of bio-compost meant for soil application. It improves soil aggregation and aggregate stability. Very effective soil amendment eliminates the ill effects of sodicity and other soil stresses like crusting, compaction etc. Maintains soil aeration, water retention and internal drainage. Induces root initiation, proliferation, growth and foraging ability of plant nutrients and water by roots. Provides healthy rhizosphere conducive for the multiplication and existence of beneficial microbes. Promotes quick establishment of planted seedlings /direct sown crops. Favors the production of profused early and effective earhead bearing tillers. Helps in getting higher use efficiency of applied fertilizer nutrients and water. Protects the crops from the incidences of insect pests and diseases. Improves quality parameters and shelf life of the producesEnhances the crop yield to the tune of 20% when used with the recommended NPK.
Dose and Application of Deepgel-Readymix:
Deep gel Ready mix needs to be applied along with recommended NPK @40 Kg/acre (one bag) for short duration crops (less than 120 days), @80 Kg/acre for long duration crops, and @ 160 Kg/acre (four bags) for perennial crops, and 5g/kg of rooting medium for nursery bed and seedling tray in green house cultivation.Deep Gel Ready mix needs to be applied as basal or immediately after planting of the seedlings / sowing of the direct sown crops, For Nursery 50g of Deep gel Ready mix to be incorporate in One Kg of nursery bed preparation by mixing two parts of fine red earth, one part of sand, one part of farm yard manure.

Nutri sap is the extract of a fresh marine red alga. This sap contains certain natural plant growth promoting substances viz. macro and micro nutrients, growth regulators( IAA, Kinetin, Zeatine, Gibberellins, Cytokinins) soluble proteins, amino acids, enzymes and with very high concentration of potassium (14000-18500ppm). The sap is used as foliar supplement along with recommended NPK and micro nutrients. When the soil is having inherent problems like alkalinity, sodicity and water logging, the sap can be used as foliar spray. It could supply all nutrients and maintain the crop growth. The number of spray and concentration of sap varies with crop duration and nature of crops. An organic bio stimulant improves the crop vigor. Contains balanced proportion of bio absorbable macro and micronutrients, soluble proteins, essential amino acids, natural plant growth regulators and enzymes. Promotes photo synthetic activity positively by triggering all carbon fixing enzymes. Develops resistance against insect pests and diseases as it contains very high potassium content. It is eco friendly, does not affect the soil, plant and atmosphere. Induces the production of buds, flowers and fruits. Prevents the shedding of buds, flowers and immature fruits. Overall, it influences positively the crop yield and quality of all agricultural and horticultural crops. The yield increase realized up to 20% in all crops.
Dose and Application of Nutri sap (Foliar):
Field Crops 1 litre per acre, Two applications (one at growth and another one at flowering stages). Vegetable crops 1 litre per acre, Three applications (during vegetative growth stage, first flower initiation and flowering stages). Horticultural crops, 1 litre/acre One or Two additional sprays for uniform fruit development and maturity. Omamental crops 10 to 20 ml per litre , 15 days intervals. Rice 1 litre/acre, Flower inititation stage. Cotton 1 litre/acre (twice), 45th & 75th day after sowing. Sugarcane 1 litre/acre (twice), 60th & 75th day after planting/ Ratoon crop after stubble shaving and shoulder breaking. Pulses 1 litre/acre (twice) 20th & 40th day after sowing. Onion 1 litre/acre (twice), 30 & 45th days after sowing. Flowers/Jasmine, 100ml in 10 liters water, 15 days interval till the completion of flower picking.

Nutri sap is the extract of a fresh marine red alga. This sap contains certain natural plant growth promoting substances viz. macro and micro nutrients, growth regulators( IAA, Kinetin, Zeatine, Gibberellins, Cytokinins) soluble proteins, amino acids, enzymes and with very high concentration of potassium (14000-18500ppm). The sap is used as foliar supplement along with recommended NPK and micro nutrients. When the soil is having inherent problems like alkalinity, sodicity and water logging, the sap can be used as foliar spray. It could supply all nutrients and maintain the crop growth. The number of spray and concentration of sap varies with crop duration and nature of crops. An organic bio stimulant improves the crop vigor. Contains balanced proportion of bio absorbable macro and micronutrients, soluble proteins, essential amino acids, natural plant growth regulators and enzymes. Promotes photo synthetic activity positively by triggering all carbon fixing enzymes. Develops resistance against insect pests and diseases as it contains very high potassium content. It is eco friendly, does not affect the soil, plant and atmosphere. Induces the production of buds, flowers and fruits. Prevents the shedding of buds, flowers and immature fruits. Overall, it influences positively the crop yield and quality of all agricultural and horticultural crops. The yield increase realized up to 20% in all crops.
Dose and Application of Nutri sap (Foliar):
Field Crops 1 litre per acre, Two applications (one at growth and another one at flowering stages). Vegetable crops 1 litre per acre, Three applications (during vegetative growth stage, first flower initiation and flowering stages). Horticultural crops, 1 litre/acre One or Two additional sprays for uniform fruit development and maturity. Omamental crops 10 to 20 ml per litre , 15 days intervals. Rice 1 litre/acre, Flower inititation stage. Cotton 1 litre/acre (twice), 45th & 75th day after sowing. Sugarcane 1 litre/acre (twice), 60th & 75th day after planting/ Ratoon crop after stubble shaving and shoulder breaking. Pulses 1 litre/acre (twice) 20th & 40th day after sowing. Onion 1 litre/acre (twice), 30 & 45th days after sowing. Flowers/Jasmine, 100ml in 10 liters water, 15 days interval till the completion of flower picking.

An excellent organic formulation containing bio derived absorbable forms of plant nutrients, vitamins, enzymes growth promoting substances like natural phyto hormones humus acids, balanced proportion of micro nutrients with easily mineralized form of bio-compost meant for soil application. It improves soil aggregation and aggregate stability. Very effective soil amendment eliminates the ill effects of sodicity and other soil stresses like crusting, compaction etc. Maintains soil aeration, water retention and internal drainage. Induces root initiation, proliferation, growth and foraging ability of plant nutrients and water by roots. Provides healthy rhizosphere conducive for the multiplication and existence of beneficial microbes. Promotes quick establishment of planted seedlings /direct sown crops. Favors the production of profused early and effective earhead bearing tillers. Helps in getting higher use efficiency of applied fertilizer nutrients and water. Protects the crops from the incidences of insect pests and diseases. Improves quality parameters and shelf life of the producesEnhances the crop yield to the tune of 20% when used with the recommended NPK.
Dose and Application of SARAL:
Saral needs to be applied along with recommended NPK @40 Kg/acre (one bag) for short duration crops (less than 120 days), @80 Kg/acre for long duration crops, and @ 160 Kg/acre (four bags) for perennial crops, and 5g/kg of rooting medium for nursery bed and seedling tray in green house cultivation.Saral needs to be applied as basal or immediately after planting of the seedlings / sowing of the direct sown crops, For Nursery 50g of Saral to be incorporate in One Kg of nursery bed preparation by mixing two parts of fine red earth, one part of sand, one part of farm yard manure.